Thursday, 16 May 2024, 2:52 AM
Site: 1EdTech Learn
Course: 1EdTech Learn (1EdTech Learn)
Glossary: 1EdTech Glossary


The process of checking that a piece of content/data adheres to a technical specification. This is commonly a subset of certification. Some examples are content based specifications like QTI or Common Cartridge. 

Verifiable Credentials (VCs)

Verifiable Credentials is an open standard by W3C for digital credentials. The credentials can represent information found in physical credentials, such as a passport or license, as well as new things that have no physical equivalent, such as ownership of a bank account, Comprehensive Learner Records, and Open Badges. They have numerous advantages over physical credentials, most notably that they're digitally signed, which makes them tamper-resistant and instantaneously verifiable. Holders of verifiable credentials can generate verifiable presentations and then share these verifiable presentations with verifiers to prove they possess verifiable credentials with certain characteristics.

Versioning Framework

The collection and definition of the principles to be applied when assigning version numbers to the specifications, documents and other artifacts created by 1EdTech. These principles are based upon Sematic Versioning. It is not unusual for a document and other artifacts to have more than one versioning component so that the relationship to the associated 1EdTech specification version can be maintained.

Example: There are several released versions of the OneRoster specification: 1.0 (deprecated), 1.1, and most recently, 1.2 which was released in the fall of 2022. 

Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

this is a web-based educational technology platform for the digital aspects of courses of study, usually within educational institutions. It is more commonly known as a learning management system.

Vocabulary Definition Exchange

the 1EdTech Vocabulary Definition Exchange (VDEX) standard defines a grammar for the exchange of value lists of various classes: collections often denoted "vocabulary." Specifically, VDEX defines a syntax for the exchange of simple machine-readable lists of values or terms, together with information that may aid a human in understanding the meaning or applicability of the various terms. VDEX may be used to express valid data for use in instances of 1EdTech Metadata, 1EdTech Learning Information Services, 1EdTech Common Cartridge, etc., for example. In these cases, the terms are often not human language words or phrases but more abstract tokens. VDEX can also express strictly hierarchical schemes compactly while allowing for more loose networks of relationships to be expressed if required.