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API Endpoints

API endpoints are URLs or digital locations that perform a service. Certified CASE Providers offer specific API endpoints that accept a CASE-formatted package and returns data so the client can "ingest" or consume a CASE Framework. More simply put, the API endpoint is your digital bridge to connect you to a CASE Framework, so you can upload it into your system (for example, an LMS.)


APIP is the abbreviation for Accessible Portable Item Protocol, a standard developed by 1EdTech. See the definition for the Accessible Portable Item Protocol for more information.


Abbreviation for Accessible Rich Internet Application, a standard published by W3C.

Assessment Profile

One of the Metric Profiles defined in the 1EdTech Caliper Standard. The Caliper Assessment Profile models assessment-related activities, including interactions with individual assessment items. Caliper provides details on the learner's activities on Assessments (Tests) and Items (Questions) and counts the number of times an assigned resource is attempted.

Assessment Results Profile

The Assessment Results Profile for Gradebook Service standard is a formal subset of the 1EdTech OneRoster 1.2 Gradebook Service. The OR 1.2 Gradebook Service, one service within the full OR 1.2 specification, provides the ability to manage the exchange of information about gradebooks in the form of results, lineItems, collections of lineItems (categories), and score-scales. It is also possible to exchange information about assessment activities in the form of assessment lineItems and assessment results. The Assessment Results Profile enables the exchange of detailed results that are assigned as part of some form of assessment activity, i.e., the assessment lineItems and assessment results parts of the OR 1.2 Gradebook Service.

Assignable Profile

This is one of the Metric Profiles defined in the 1EdTech Caliper Standard. The Assignable Profile models activities associated with the assignment of digital content to a learner for completion according to specific criteria. Caliper provides a generic assignable digital resource for describing these activities as well as a counting of the number of times an assigned resource has been attempted by the learner.

Assignment and Grade Services

Assignment and Grade Services is one of the Learning Tool Interoperability® (LTI®) services that make up LTI Advantage. This extension enables the passing of assignment results from the tool back to the LMS. Assignment and Grade Services enables faculty to sync grades and comments in third-party tools into a single place, such as the LMS grade book, which gives students and faculty a clearer picture of learning progress in one place. With Assignment and Grade Services you get multiple benefits including gradable assignments shared with a tool, numeric scores returned to LMS grade book, assessor's comments returned if provided, multiple results supported in a single exchange, and instructor override and history of attempts allowed. For more information, see the LTI Advantage Overview.

Assignment and Grades (AGS)

Supports the passing of assignment results from the tool to the platform. Assignment and Grade Services enables faculty to sync grades and comments in third-party tools into a single place, such as the LMS gradebook.

Assignment and Grade Services is one of the Learning Tool Interoperability® (LTI®) services that make up LTI Advantage. This extension enables the passing of assignment results from the tool grades iconback to the LMS. Assignment and Grade Services enables faculty to sync grades and comments in third-party tools into a single place, such as the LMS grade book, which gives students and faculty a clearer picture of learning progress in one place. With Assignment and Grade Services you get multiple benefits including gradable assignments shared with a tool, numeric scores returned to LMS grade book, assessor's comments returned if provided, multiple results supported in a single exchange, and instructor override and history of attempts allowed. For more information, see the LTI Advantage Overview.


AsyncAPI is an open source initiative that seeks to improve the current state of Event-Driven Architectures (EDA). The long-term goal is to make working with EDAs as easy as it is to work with REST APIs. That goes from documentation to code generation, from discovery to event management. Most of the processes you apply to your REST APIs nowadays would be applicable to your event-driven/asynchronous APIs too. The first step has been to create a specification that allows developers, architects, and product managers to define the interfaces of an async API. Much like OpenAPI (fka Swagger) does for REST APIs.

Authorization Code Grant (OAuth 2)

This is one of the authorization grant mechanisms defined in the OAuth 2.0 standard (IETF RFC 6749).  The authorization code grant type is used to obtain both access tokens and refresh tokens and is optimized for confidential clients but for which there is no established trust relationship. Since this is a redirection-based flow, the client must be capable of interacting with the resource owner’s user-agent (typically a web browser) and capable of receiving incoming requests (via redirection) from the authorization server. This authorization approach is adopted and adapted in the 1EdTech Security Framework.

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