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Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

SSL and its successor, Transport Layer Security (TLS), are protocols for establishing authenticated and encrypted links between networked computers. The SSL protocol was deprecated with the release of TLS 1.0 in 1999, but it is still common to refer to these related technologies as 'SSL' or “SSL/TLS.” The most current version is TLS 1.3, defined in IETF RFC 8446.

Security Framework

1EdTech has created, is creating, and will create, service-oriented and message-exchange interoperability specifications. These specifications recommend or require several different security patterns: for example, the use of OAuth 1.0 based message signing, OAuth 2 based authentication and authorization, and so forth. The 1EdTech Security Framework defines a set of patterns for security that all of its specifications SHOULD use (only in special circumstances will we consider exceptions). These security patterns are based upon the appropriate standards and specifications published by other organizations: for example, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and its Requests For Comments (RFCs). The aim is to make use of the appropriate solutions and best practices already adopted in the IT sector as a whole. The security framework has three basic patterns for adoption: (a) use of the OAuth 2.0 Client Credential Grant mechanism to secure web services between trusted systems; (b) use of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant mechanism to secure web services between systems where there is no pre-established trust relationship; and (c) use of OpenID Connect with JWT-based message exchanges to secure browser-instigated exchanges between a tool and the launching platform.

Semantic Versioning

semantic versioning addresses versioning for Public APIs. Within 1EdTech, the associated principles of Semantic Versioning have been applied more broadly and will be used when versioning specifications, documents, specification artefacts, reference implementation software releases, etc. The versioning nomenclature uses:

  • MAJOR version when incompatible changes are made
  • MINOR version when functionality is added in a backwards compatible manner
  • PATCH version when backwards compatible bug fixes are made.


SensorAPI® is a web service, a technical software, for implementing the standard, Caliper Analytics®, and simplifies the process of gathering learning metrics across learning environments. For more information, see 1EdTech's Education and Digital Analytics Initiative and Caliper Analytics Project Group Activity. Higher Education Institutional Members may be interested in the Learning Data & Analytics Innovation Leadership Network; for more information see Higher Ed Innovation Leadership Networks.

Service Consumer

1EdTech’s interoperability design relies on two important roles, consumer and provider. Consumers and Providers can be related to tools, content or services. A Service Consumer ingests the provided data from a Service Provider. Service consumers and providers are often similar kinds of applications such as learning management systems, student information systems, digital content libraries. In OneRoster exchanges, the LMS is the most common system that serves as the service consumer.

Service Provider

1EdTech’s interoperability design relies on two important roles, consumer and provider. Consumers and Providers can be related to tools, content or services. A Service Consumer ingests the provided data from a Service Provider. Service consumers and providers are often similar kinds of applications such as learning management systems, student information systems, digital content libraries.  In OneRoster, the SIS is the most common system that serves as the service provider.

Session Profile

one of the Metric Profiles defined in the 1EdTech Caliper Standard. The Caliper Session Profile models the creation and subsequent termination of the session established by a user interacting with an application/tool/system. The Session Profile can facilitate the capture of data about who is logging into the learning environment, and more importantly, which students are not logging in.

Shareable State Persistence

this 1EdTech standard describes an extension to e-learning runtime systems that enables the storage of and shared access to state information between content objects. There is currently no prescribed method for a content object to store (arbitrarily complex) state information in the runtime system that can later be retrieved by itself or by another content object. This capability is crucial to the persistence of the sometimes complex state information that is generated by a variety of interactive content, e.g., simulations, and that is currently stored and retrieved in proprietary formats and through proprietary methods. This standard was published in July 2004. It is one of the standards used in the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM).

Simple Sequencing

this 1EdTech standard defines a method for representing the intended behavior of an authored learning experience such that any learning technology system can sequence discrete learning activities in a consistent way. The standard defines the required behaviors and functionality that conforming systems must implement. It incorporates rules that describe the branching or flow of instruction through content according to the outcomes of a learner's interactions with content. This standard was released to the public in March 2003 and is used to provide a functional extension to a 1EdTech Content Package. It is one of the keystone standards in the Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM).


SOAP (formerly a backronym for Simple Object Access Protocol) is a messaging protocol specification for exchanging structured information in the implementation of web services. It uses XML for its message format, and relies on application layer protocols, most often Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), for message negotiation and transmission. The Web Services Description Language (WSDL) is often used to provide a machine readable form of SOAP-based web services. Some of the earlier 1EdTech service-based specifications, e.g. Learner Information Services (LIS), are WSDL/SOAP based.

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