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Badge Extensions for Education

 Badge Extensions for Education, a 1EdTech initiative, augments the Open Badges 2.0 standard with important accreditation and assessment information to help employers and others better understand what was required to earn a badge. Badge Extensions for Education are two optional extensions—Assessment and Accreditation—to the Open Badges standard that allow an Open Badge to contain even more information about the achievement and issuing organization. First, the Assessment extension allows detailed information to be included pertaining to the assessment completed by the badge recipient. The Assessment extension describes the type of assessment (exam, performance, or artifact), whether it was a group assessment with a group evaluation, and information about how the assessment is scored. The Accreditation extension provides a way for the issuing organization to include information about related accreditation bodies, including their name and contact information, accreditation time period, and the accreditor's area of focus. For more information, see 1EdTech's Digital Credentialing Initiative and Digital Credentials and Badges Project Group Activity. Higher Education Institutional Members may be interested in the Digital Credentials & CBE Innovation Leadership Network; for more information see Higher Ed Innovation Leadership Networks.


Caliper Analytics

Caliper Analytics® is a standard developed by 1EdTech. Caliper establishes a means for consistently capturing and presenting measures of learning activity; defines a common language for labeling learning data; provides a standard way of measuring learning activities and effectiveness; and leverages data science methods, standards, and technologies. Caliper provides the means to collect click-stream data from all digital resources that can be streamed into an institution's dashboard of choice to view student interaction with digital tools and inform the instructional design to better understand the return on learning for their technology investments. For more information, see 1EdTech's Education and Digital Analytics Initiative and Caliper Analytics Project Group Activity. Higher Education Institutional Members may be interested in the Learning Data & Analytics Innovation Leadership Network; for more information see Higher Ed Innovation Leadership Networks.

Learn more about this work:

Caliper Analytics Connector

This is a new LTI Advantage extension service for LTI-enabled Tools for the configuration of the Caliper Analytics-based reporting capabilities of the Tool. An LTI Platform MUST communicate the availability of the Caliper Connector Service in every LTI message where the service is relevant.

Caliper Event

A Caliper event is a data object that describes a learning activity.  It is made up of an actor, an action, and an object.

Candidate Final

This term applies to the state of a specification (standard) under development. A specification which is considered to be sufficiently complete and stable such that 1EdTech Members are encouraged to become early adopters. A Candidate Final is normally considered to be a near-final specification, and changes are likely to be made only to solve specific problems encountered or to address conformance. A minimum number of early implementations are required (this number is determined by the Working Group creating the specification) before a Candidate Final specification can be moved to Final Release.

Candidate Final / Public Draft

Candidate Final/Public Draft Release is developed by the Project Group after it has been released as a Candidate Final. The Candidate Final /Public Draft Release addresses any implementation issues brought forward from the Candidate Final and includes conformance and certification information. At this time, the Candidate Final/Public Draft Release is also released to the public for review and comment.

CASE Digital Conversion Manager

An individual, or consulting group that builds the CASE frameworks for the Issuer. They translate the issuer’s human-readable standards into the CASE format.

CASE Framework (CF)

The digital package with a document that includes a list of all the competencies/academic standards (CFitems) for a curricular subject, in sequential order (vertical alignments.) It includes parent-child relationships.

CASE Issuer

The official entity that owns and generates the source standards. The issuer is the authority who publishes (until now, human-readable) standards. In the case of K12 education, it may be a state’s department of education (DOE/SEA), a Local Education Agency (LEAs), or other organizations that publish K-12 and K-12 PD learning and competency standards. 

The issuer (owner/author) can also be an industry association, other institutions (community colleges, etc.) or a company that offers professional development courses.

CASE Network

The ultimate objective of CASE (1EdTech’s Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange® specification) is to make it easier, more accurate, and less expensive for edtech suppliers to align resources and tools with state and district academic standards, therefore allowing educators to find resources that better support their needs. Before CASE, academic standards were usually officially published in PDF format, forcing institutions and edtech suppliers that needed machine-readable standards to perform time-consuming manual work or use proprietary formats. This increased costs and made it difficult to ensure fidelity (especially when standards were updated).

Now, every issuing agency can author machine-readable CASE versions of their standards using their own CASE publishing tool, allowing each agency to retain complete control over the source of truth for their standards and make this source of truth freely and openly available. The CASE Network serves a key function in the CASE ecosystem, providing a single access point for edtech suppliers to pull standards issued by agencies anywhere in the U.S. and access revision histories of those standards.

CASE Network 2 is available for everyone to browse and search without the need to sign in at Additional functionality, including API and download access to the machine-readable CASE data for all frameworks, is available to edtech suppliers, educational institutions, and non-commercial entities that request Registered Access to CASE Network 2. Edtech suppliers are asked to pay a nominal annual fee to support the network; educational institutions and non-commercial entities can register at no cost. Learn more about CASE NetworkLearn more about the CASE standard. 

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