1EdTech Glossary
Key terms and vocabulary.
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Common Cartridge® (CC®)
Thin Common Cartridge is a subset of the full Common Cartridge that contains only links and metadata about the content. Today’s digital content comes from a variety of resources making it difficult to integrate. Common Cartridge solves this problem by providing a standard way to package learning content so that it can be exported from one system and imported into another, providing educators and students with greater choice and flexibility to share and reuse content to personalize learning. For more information, see 1EdTech's Common Cartridge Project Group Activity. Learn more about this work: https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/common-cartridge | |
Compatibility Check (CCx)CCx is the software developed and used by 1EdTech to enable the Characterization of products that have already achieved 1EdTech Certification. Characterization is the process by which the interoperability capabilities of a deployed product can be determined. The CCx software produces the characterization reports and is used for the comparison of such reports. It is this comparison which is used to identify the actual interoperability between the two characterized systems. This is the software that is used as a part of the 1EdTech Standards First Program. | |
Competencies and Academic Standards Exchange (CASE)
EdTech suppliers (LMS, SIS, LOR, CMS) use CASE to label and package academic standards.
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Competency Framework RubricsInstruments used to identify performance expectations around a task, product or performance. For example, using Bloom’s Taxonomy to determine the depth of learning expected at a grade level. | |
CompliantIn 1EdTech terms, compliant has no official meaning. You should be wary of the use of this in reference to a supplier’s reported implementation of a standard, specifically when there is no certification. Also a product’s claim of conformance, without certification should be discounted. Only certified products have demonstrated adherence to the 1EdTech open interoperability standards. To learn more and get resources on how to procure certified edtech tools, visit: https://www.1edtech.org/certification/procure-certified ![]() | |
Comprehensive Learner Record (CLR)
A CLR is an official document that seeks to capture, record, and communicate learning when and where it happens in a student’s educational experience. This includes learning outcomes from courses, programs and degrees, as well as experience they have outside the classroom that help develop their career ready skills and abilities. Example: Educators designed the CLR to record more context about learning achievements and the learning journey than is possible with a digital badge. Learn more about this work: https://www.imsglobal.org/activity/comprehensive-learner-record | |
Computer Adaptive TestingComputer Adaptive Testing is a standard for establishing interoperability between adaptive testing engines and assessment delivery platforms to adapt a test to students' understanding of the subject matter. For more information, see 1EdTech's Assessment Project Group Activity and the Computer Adaptive Testing Project Group Activity. | |
ConformanceIs simply a claim by a supplier that an application or tool demonstrates that it adheres to an 1EdTech specification e.g. that it has implemented the standard’s requirements. Only certified products have demonstrated adherence to the 1EdTech open interoperability standards. To learn more and get resources on how to procure certified edtech tools, visit: https://www.1edtech.org/certification/procure-certified | |
Content ConsumerEdTech’s interoperability design relies on two important roles: consumer and provider. Consumers and Providers can be related to tools, content, or services. A Content Consumer ingests content. A Content Consumer would also typically be a learning management system. | |